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Ivana- ART Collection

Original Paintings

Maľované originálne obrazy aj  na objednávku. Cena obrazu závisí od rozmerov plátna.

Ide o ORIGINÁLNU olejomaľbu na plátne vyrobenom na monochromatickom pozadí .Zachytávajú lyrický romantizmus renesančného portrétu ženy. Znázorňujem jej pôvab, jemnosť odvahu, odvážnosť a  dráždivosť. Nie je to tlač, ale 100% ručne maľované. Abstraktné prvky v obraze sú veľkým aspektom každého umeleckého diela a v kombinácií so zmyslovou dynamikou a romantikou vytvára pre diváka nezabudnuteľný zážitok.

Keď maľujete nemyslíte na nič konkrétne. V momente, keď začnete maľovať obraz sa tvorí sám...  

 Okraje obrazu sú natreté lakom, takže nie je potrebné dodatočné zarámovanie.
Všetky obrazy sú elegantné, živé, plné farieb.
Špeciálny saténový lak je nanášaný tak, aby každý jeden obraz obsahoval ochrannú vrstvu proti UV žiareniu, vlhkosti a škrabancom a dosahoval dlhú životnosť.

In life, there is joy, joy is creation.

All my paintings are drawn in this spirit, being full of colour, beauty and joy

I was born in Bojnice in 1975, in the Slovak Republic. I started painting few years ago just for pleasure. On my own skin I experience the enthusiasm of every single painting. The paintings themselves has opened for me a new look on myself as on a unique woman. My works can be found in private collections in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Austria and Switzerland.

I am a woman of heart, I do not choose my way by mind but rather by heart.

The paintings capture the charming lyrical romanticism of the Renaissance portrait, the elegance, the beauty of a female. I illustrate her grace, subtlety, uniqueness and, on the contrary, boldness and irritation. Abstract elements in the image are an important aspect of any artwork and in combination with sense of dynamics and romance, those represent an unforgettable experience for the viewer. This is an original painting on a canvas, which was made on a monochrome background (sepia or other) using pencil, wood charcoal, powder and true crystal brash. The oil-stable colours are applied by special brushes, the spatula makes each one original.

They are classical, romantic characters with a touch of elegance. They are wearing an aura associated with the Renaissance, but with its underlying signature, expressiveness, dynamic technique, they are refreshingly modern. „Romanticism" is the word that describes my works

When you paint, you do not think of anything specific. The moment you start painting the painting forms itself... Joy, huge passion, are the characteristics of this charming process. Art is a reflection of our lives, a reflection of ourselves. If you ask the artist what (s)he meant when creating the pictures, (s)he will not give you a straightforward answer because this process cannot be analysed, it's like a miracle.

Each painting is an original, bearing my signature, which confirms the authenticity of each painting. All pictures are elegant, vivid, full of colours.

The special dammar lacquer is applied so that each image contains a protective layer against UV radiation, moisture and scratches and thus achieves a long life.


I draw inspiration for my paintings from world photographers and Russian painters

 ART- Ivka Višňovcová

